West of England Regionals Judges Announced
WEBBA are pleased to announce that the adjudicators for the West of England Regional Championships on 11th & 12th March 2017 are confirmed as follows:
Gary Davies, Sam Hairsine, Les Neish, Paul Norley & Stephen Roberts
For 2017, WEBBA are augmenting the adjudicating panel in view of the anticipated entry levels and as previously highlighted, the format for 2017 is the Fourth, Second and First sections taking place on the Saturday and the Third and Championship sections taking place on the Sunday.
Saturday 11th March 2017
Fourth Section: Gary Davies & Sam Hairsine
Second Section: Paul Norley & Stephen Roberts
First Section: Les Neish & Paul Norley
Sunday 12th March 2017
Third Section: Sam Hairsine & Les Neish
Championship: Paul Norley & Stephen Roberts
All further details will be confirmed after the WEBBA meeting in January 2017.
The association look forward to seeing everyone at the Riviera International Conference Centre Torquay for the West of England Regional Championships next March.