Steve Hartley Accepted Into AoBBA
After completing a series of training and mentoring assignments over the last two years, Steve Hartley has been accepted as a member of the Association of Brass Band Adjudicators.
Steve Hartley told A4B: ‘I was delighted to learn of my acceptance as a member of the association. Over the past two years I have completed various training assignments sharing the box with AoBBA members, gaining valuable advice and adjudicating experience. My training has included shadowing adjudicators at the National Finals in Cheltenham, Brass at the Guild in Preston and at the recent Leicestershire Association contest. My thanks are due to all the adjudicators who have given help and advice, as well as the various contest organisers and promotors for allowing the training at their contests. Not least, my thanks go to John Roberts at AoBBA for all his help, mentoring and expert advice on adjudication. I am looking forward to putting the training into practice as a member of AoBBA.’