Yorkshire Turn Out In Numbers For ‘Swab For Sykes’
After the last notes were played at the Yorkshire Regional Championships on Sunday, the numbers were added up and the final result was 218 good Yorkshire folk, who had registered to go onto the Stem Cell Donor Register as part of the “SwabforSykes” campaign.
Gordon Eddison, who co-ordinated the team of volunteers at the Contest over the last weekend told A4B: “I am so pleased we have had so many generous people who have shown they really care for Stephen. Members of the West Yorkshire Police, Dodworth and Maltby Miners Bands all attended ‘en bloc’ and signed up”.
David W Ashworth, National Executive Member and Treasurer of The Association of Brass Band Adjudicators, attend to represent ABBA on the stand for a time on Sunday to show the Association’s support for this very worthwhile cause.
The people who registered will soon be receiving a swabbing kit to collect a simple mouth swab to be entered on the National Donor Registry.
The campaign continues next week at the Midlands Area please make sure you register this very worthwhile cause.