Foden’s Congratulate Anna Hughes-Williams on Mortimer Medal Award
Anna Hughes-Williams has been awarded the ‘Mortimer Medal’. The announcement was made by Philip Morris, the Chairman of the Brass Band Committee of the Worshipful Company of Musicians, who stated that the award was due to her ‘outstanding contribution and immensely valuable work with young brass musicians’.
Speaking about the announcement Anna told A4B: ‘I am extremely proud to be awarded this prestigious award and having the pleasure to work with all these dedicated, hard working, talented young people from my time with Bolton Junior and Youth Band, St Helen’s Youth Band and currently at Foden’s Junior Brass Band and the Boltones along with all the individual musicians I teach. It is a privilege to pass on the inspiration and guidance that I received from Leaun Morgan MBE, Brian Buckley at the start and Richard Evans and Lynda Nicholson when I started my conducting.
I am so fortunate and lucky to have the opportunity to nurture and introduce these young musicians to how much fun and enjoyment can be had with music in your life. As everyone knows 2017 so far has been a difficult time with me losing the love of my life Ei, but with the help and support from all my friends in the banding world and especially Fodens’ Band it shows how powerful and important having music in your life is.’
Anna Hughes-Williams has an association with Foden’s that stretches back over three tenures to 1989. All at Foden’s send their congratulations to Anna who will be presented with the award at the forthcoming British Open in September.