Unforgettable Concert With Boobs & Bradwell
There was a rewarding experience for all as Bradwell Silver Band is proud to announce that the joint Breast Cancer Charity Concert with Boobs and Brass has raised an amazing £4,247.68*. A cheque will be presented to Boobs and Brass representative Margaret Betts and all the monies donated to the charity Breast Cancer Now.
The concert was well attended and the generous support of local businesses resulted in the band reaching its goals of raising in excess of £4,000. Whilst both bands presented a programme of music to entertain it was the massed band performances with 70 players on stage that delighted.
Bradwell Silver Band is honoured that the relationship with In-Pensionsers of The Royal Chelsea Hospital was continued and celebrated with the presence of a delegation of Pensioners in full red regalia. The Band had recently visited Chelsea and entertained the In-Pensioners in a concert on the Hospital grounds.
The ladies of Bradwell Silver Band took up the invitation to join Boobs and Brass in the latter part of the first half of the programme and swapped their blue for the famous pink jackets with pride. Guest Musical Director for Boobs and Brass Ewan Robson and Brian Keech, Musical Director for Bradwell Silver Band, created a performance that will be remembered by all involved as a highlight of their brass band careers.
The members of Bradwell Silver Band thank the ladies and representatives of Boobs and Brass for sharing this memorable evening and wish them every success in their final fundraising year together.
Youth Masterclass
Earlier in the day the band hosted over 50 young brass and percussion players, ages ranging from 6 to 18, in a free Masterclass. The event was generously supported by Yamaha and the players benefited by learning from and playing along side Lucy Cutt, Ben Godfrey and Jack Wilson.
* The amount is correct at the time of going to press, however, the final figure donated may differ slightly if further dontations are received.