Out of This World Performance by Foden’s
On 1st November, Foden’s performed at Keele University in a project involving ‘Arts Keele’ and ‘Keele University Astrophysics’
The concert saw Foden’s perform the entire ‘Planets’ suite by Holst alongside the Keele Singers, Celeste and two harpists to a capacity audience. Prior to each movement Dr John Taylor (Keele Astrophysics) gave an in depth analysis of each planet as well as showing images from the Hubble Space Telescope. Either side of the ‘Suite’ Foden’s performed Enter the Galaxies (Paul Lovatt-Cooper) and the finale from Music of the Spheres (Philip Sparke)
Speaking about the collaboration, Mark Wilkinson told A4B: ‘The band thoroughly enjoyed being involved in this project with Keele and have already received a number of enquiries from Universities looking at running a similar project.’
Following the concert guests were invited to visit Keele Observatory to view planets and other spectacular night-sky objects using the Observatory’s historic Grubb refractor.