AoBBA Regionals Test Piece Workshop Announced
The Association of Brass Band Adjudicators is pleased to announce the presenters for their annual Regional Test Piece Workshop, to be held on Sunday January 21st 2018, at the home of Fodens Band – Bradwall Village Hall, Bradwall Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RG.
The Second Section test piece – Jonathan Bates’ Ex Terra Lucem – will be presented by Sarah Groarke-Booth at 1.00pm. Following that at 1.45pm, Napoleon on the Alps by Philip Harper, the test piece for the Third Section, will be analysed by John Roberts. Whilst Rodney Newton will present his own work – World Tour – the Fourth Section test piece, commencing at 2.30pm.
The presenters will explore each work in detail; pinpointing possible pitfalls; suggesting rehearsal techniques; and discussing performance approach. The three works will be performed by Roberts Bakery Band under the direction of Paul Lovatt-Cooper, and Simone Rebello will be on hand to consider the percussion requirements and technical challenges of each work.
There will also be time set aside for questions from attendees on each work. The workshop is free and open to all with an interest in the pieces – be they player, conductor or audience member – and the Association’s aim is to provide an informative insight into each work as a useful tool to aid contest preparation.