Spring Festival Venue Changes
The organisers of the 98th British Open Spring Festival have been asked by the Winter Gardens management in Blackpool to make bands aware of a possible change to the Spanish Hall venue within its complex.
The extensive improvements and new development taking place both internally and externally within the complex (as bands who competed at the North West Regional Championship in the Empress Ballroom in February will have noticed) are ongoing.
At this stage the management of the Winter Gardens do not believe that any change should be necessary as a result of ongoing work to the Spanish Hall , but if it is required, this could also affect the location of dressing room facilities and band person’s entrances to the venue.
The organisers will continue to monitor the progress within the complex and will of course advise bands as soon as possible on any change that may be required, which would mean that an appropriate alternative Hall within the Complex would be utilised. We apologise if this causes any concern but the organisers wish to ensure that the halls utilised are up to the required standards. The improvements will benefit our contests going forward in terms of the enhanced facilities available at Winter Gardens as a result of this investment.
The statement issued by Winter Gardens is as follows: “We are pleased to announce that our wonderful event location the Blackpool Winter Gardens has started its multi-million pound planned development, increasing the size of the convention facilities with an exciting new convention space. We are sure you will understand that some of our venues may look slightly different whilst the essential work is carried out, and we are looking forward to bringing you bigger and better events in the future.”
The guidance notes that all of the competing bands require for the three contests will be available on the British Open website in addition to being sent to them directly.
Bands should contact Contest Controller, Frank Hodges, if they require any further information: Tel. 01942 212418, 07930 562 768, [email protected]