Foden’s Return to Capacity Crowd
Foden’s returned from their Summer break to perform a concert at the picturesque setting of Gawsworth Hall, Macclesfield on the 12th August. The concert with Matt Ford marked the close of the ‘Summer Concert Series’ at the venue and attracted a capacity audience of over 800 people who were treated to a programme entitled ‘Salute to Sinatra and the Swing Legends.’
Prior to the concert Rupert Richards (from Gawsworth) paid tribute to Vice President Stephen Sebire MBE who recently passed away. Stephen was a staunch supporter of Foden’s for over 30 years and was instrumental in helping the band secure sponsorship from the Britannia Building Society.
Speaking about the concert, John Barber told A4B: ‘It was once again a pleasure to perform at a fantastic venue to a large and appreciative audience. Originally the band promoted a number of concerts and a cd recording with Matt themselves but due to the success and large audiences that the collaboration has attracted, Foden’s have now been booked by a number of promoters for 2019. A large number of people commented that this was the first time they had heard a brass band and as a result will now attend other brass band concerts.’