Foden’s Dedicate Nationals Win To Former Vice President
Foden’s would like to thank the large number of individuals and bands who have sent congratulation messages following their Nationals Victory last Saturday.
Mark Wilkinson told A4B: ‘We have been over whelmed by the hundreds of congratulation messages received from across the World. The band are grateful for this and are extremely pleased with the feedback and reception following our performance and results. The past two years have been a difficult time for the band which has seen us re-build following our devastating bandroom fire, this victory means so much due to this. Sadly one of the bands Vice Presidents Stephen Sebire MBE died in August. Stephen was instrumental in the band obtaining sponsorship from the Britannia Building Society in the late 80’s and had been a long time supporter of Foden’s and brass bands in general. We would therefore like to dedicate this victory to him.’