Young Adjudicators to be Welcomed In Yorkshire & London Regionals
The Association of Brass Band Adjudicators (AoBBA) are pleased to announce that they are, once again, to run a joint initiative with the Yorkshire Regional Brass Band Committee (YRBBC) and the London and Southern Counties Regional Brass Band Committee (LSCRBBC) in the promotion of the ‘Young Adjudicators Scheme’ at the Yorkshire Regional competition at the Town Hall, Huddersfield on Saturday 2nd March (4th section) and at the London and Southern Counties Regional competition at Stevenage Arts and Leisure Centre on Sunday 17th March (2nd Section).
The ‘Young Adjudicators’ will be mentored by AoBBA members. The official adjudicators will both meet with the young adjudicator’s panel to discuss their approaches to adjudication. The ‘Young Adjudicators’ will be provided with:
• Seating near the official adjudicators box
• Test piece score
• Adjudicator’s Remarks Sheets
• Adjudicator’s Results Form
• Meet with the adjudicators
• Band Member tickets for the young people and their parent/guardian(s)
• C.D. recording of the individual young person’s choice of winning band will be sent to them shortly after the contest.
There are four places for young people aged of 11-18 who wish to test their adjudicating skills. In the first instance, applications are welcomed from those who have not previously taken part in the scheme. Numbers wishing to take part are expected to be high so early application is encouraged. Anyone who wishes to participate should contact
Nicholas Garman, the AoBBA Trainee Mentor on 07527 636 147 or [email protected]