North of England Release Statement Regarding Child Performance Licencing at Regional Championships
The North of England Regional Committee has applied to Durham for Body of person’s approval for the NOEBBC in March.
Regional Secretary Tony Griffiths told A4B: “I must stress that it is the individual’s bands responsibility to make sure any young person under the age of 16 have appropriate chaperones and must be escorted in holding areas as well as through any licensed areas. Durham County Council, have been very helpful with this issue. The North of England Regional Committee, have taken this action, along with all other areas of the National Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. We have recommended that bands contact their local authority to fully understand the impact of this issue on their band throughout the year and plan the appropriate action.
This issue I believe needs further and active discussion within the banding movement about its relevance to certain events. We are an inclusive event and issues such as these are yet another barrier to overcome. I will certainly be discussing this issue with my local member of Parliament and I urge others to do the same”