Final Call for Elland Slow Melody Entries
There’s still time to send your entries into the Elland Slow Melody Contest on Saturday 22nd June. The contest will get underway at 10.00am with the junior sections, followed by junior duets & quartets, with the senior sections scheduled for after lunch.
We still have room for more entries, and would welcome entries from duets and quartets, before the closing date on 7th June. All classes are pre drawn. This year’s event marks the 30th Anniversary of the contest followed by an evening gala concert by the Elland Silver Band, which is being held at Blackley Baptist Church, Elland.
Band secretary, Kathleen Harrison told A4B: “We have really gone the extra mile this year to update our contest. The new venue offers superb accoustics, separate warm up facilities and refreshment area. We are also able to offer entrants the option to use piano accompaniment. This has all been made possible thanks to the support of the church and to our main sponsor Band Supplies, Leeds”,
Band Supplies will also be attending the event offering a range of products to try and buy. Entry forms are available from Kathleen Harrison at [email protected] or can be downloaded from