Mike Lovatt Masterclass With Foden’s
On Saturday 13th July Mike Lovatt and Chris Houlding will hold a Masterclass commencing at 1pm which is available to all ages and abilities and SuperBrass at the George Lawton Hall, Mossley.
In the Masterclass Mike will demonstrate about breathing and high range as well as talking about his experiences playing on films tracks such as Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day as well as a number of Harry Potter films including The Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. Chris Houlding will talk about general playing basics as well as a questions and answers session. Further information about the class and registration can be obtained via marklwilky@hotmail
Following the Masterclass Elland Youth (British Open Youth Champions) will perform an entertaining set which will include Sing Sing Sing and Nightingale Dances, Foden’s will conclude the 1st Half featuring Mike Lovatt who will perform Virtuosity. The second half will feature SuperBrass who’s line up includes Mike Lovatt, James and Thomas Fountain, Chris Houlding and Christian Jones before the concert concludes with a massed item featuring all groups
Speaking about the event Mark Wilkinson told A4B: ‘We are extremely excited to hold a Masterclass with two leading performers as well as sharing the stage with one of the Countries leading Youth Bands and a World class ensemble, this will be a fantastic concert!
Tickets £12 general admission and £5 under 16’s available via 07740 354106 or www.priorbooking.com/u/fodens
Please see promotional video https://youtu.be/D71S9Trief4
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