New Youth Band Sponsorships from TCTC Group
Following the successful sponsorship of TCTC Group Band, and continued commitment to supporting the local community, TCTC Group is now delighted to sponsor the Youth Wind Bands based in Sandbach, Cheshire. The Youth Wind Bands, which will now be known as TCTC Group Wind Bands, have been set up to give young brass, woodwind and percussion players the opportunity of playing together as an ensemble.
There are five bands in the organisation: The Starter Group for children who have just started playing and know just a few notes.
The Beginner Band, which accepts players with a knowledge of a few notes and teaches them basic skills to be able to play in concerts at various times in a year and The Junior Band, which aims to develop skills further so as to be part of a larger ensemble that takes part in Festivals, competitions and plays at Concerts and events throughout the year.
The Youth Band that performs joint concerts with brass bands, choirs and takes part in many events. It also competes against bands in national competitions and at Music Festivals.
The Community Band, is a relatively new group that provides adults with a musical platform where age is not restricted.
Kerri Leeming, founder of TCTC told A4B: “TCTC have always supported community groups which involve our employees and their families. The TCTC Group Wind Bands offer children the opportunity to develop musical skills which they may not otherwise be able to access. We are extremely proud to add the group to our community sponsorship portfolio”
Manager of the Wind band organisation Jackie Davies told A4B: “The support of a business that has such a strong Community ethos is a tremendous boost for all of our Wind bands. TCTC Groups support will provide a stable future for our music making whilst assist us to provide new youngsters with a new musical experience. The Wind bands are delighted to be associated with TCTC Group which puts us back under the same Sponsor as TCTC Group Band with who we remain very close”
The Youth Band has been successful in the Newcastle Festival of Music, winning the open class, 19 and under class and also the Joan Taylor cup for the best overall band. It takes part in the Music for Youth Festival at various venues including qualifying to play at the Symphony Hall in Birmingham and the Royal Albert Hall in London. They also take part in the National Concert Band Festival and in 2016 and 2017gained a Gold Award for their performance.
TCTC Group is proud to be sponsoring the bands and thanks to this new arrangement the bands have a secure and positive future. We look forward to many years of high-quality and entertaining music-making to come.