Emley Real Ale Festival Postponed
Emley Brass Band are sad to announce that the 2020 Emley Real Ale Festival due to take place over the Easter Weekend will be postponed, with a view to hosting it later in the year.
This would have been our 10th Festival and we are as disappointed as you to have to postpone, but we’re sure you can understand the challenging position we are in given the latest developments and government advice around Coronavirus (Covid-19). Whist we sincerely hope that by the time we get to Easter we can look back at this decision and think we over-reacted, that looks increasingly unlikely which ultimately has only left us one option.
We would like to thank our sponsors for their understanding in this matter and we are incredibly grateful for their support.
We will look to arrange the Festival for later in the year and we will keep you updated as soon as possible with a new date.
In the meantime, stay safe and look after each other.