Hallelujah For The NHS
In uncertain and troubled times we are all currently going through, for us bandsmen and bandswomen, one thing that I am sure we can all agree on, no not that Cory are the best band in the world, but the fact we live in a nation where we have the NHS.
Without the NHS we possibly wouldn’t be as fortunate as we are. The day to day occurrences that the members of staff, Doctor’s, Nurse’s, Midwife’s, Physio’s, Receptionist’s, Ambulance crews and even the health care assistance not to mention cleaners and porters go through day in day out and are currently working on the front line to keep the NHS moving and protecting our fine folk and our beloved country.
We may all know someone directly or indirectly that plays with our band or a friends band who they themselves are putting their own lives and health at risk on a daily basis to help protect and fight for our lives.
What better way to celebrate, praise and show respect to these fine individuals, than to show in the way we all know so well and come together as bandsman than to play music for them.
Here we have the worlds number one band “The Cory Band” celebrating these fine individuals, playing Hallelujah, an arrangement by Christopher Bond.
Available to purchase for your band HERE