Brass Band Contesting Survey Part 3: Structure
Brass Bands England (BBE) has launched the next part of the Brass Band Contesting Survey currently in progress. The survey is designed to find out your views on the current state of brass band contests and if you missed either of the previous parts you can still take part in them also.
The aim of this survey is to look in more detail at views on the structures band contests use and why. This part should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
To take part in the survey please visit the survey page on ( or to go direct to Part 3 please go to this link (
One participant from each part of the survey will be picked at random to receive a year’s free individual membership of Brass Bands England. The winner of the first part of the survey has been announced as Stuart Reynolds of Blackpool Brass. Congratulations Stuart!
Continued high response rate
BBE Partnership and Relationship Development Manager, Alex Parker, commented: “We have had over 1,000 responses across the two parts released thus far, which represents roughly 8% of all banders who took part in the 2019 ‘Area’ contests. This will mean the results of the survey will be able to be reported with high statistical significance.
Areas Represented
So far there has still been a lower participation from the devolved nations of Scotland and Wales, representing between 1-3% of all responses, and we would love to hear more from these areas. From the English areas, the best represented section continues to be London and southern Counties with 23% whilst the North of England trails with 10%. Yorkshire and the West of England follow with 13% each.